Worm (W)hole
What happens if we see socially engaged art as a worm (w)hole? I had the chance to follow the remotely organized conference by Tensta konsthall in June. One section of the series of talks was entitled Passages. In fact, not being there, but following everything through social media has another dimension. I became a digital passerby, so to speak. Via Instagram I followed the project Common Constructions, in which artists, architects and neighbours worked together on the outdoor area of Tensta konsthall. The impressions you get are fragmentary, but something happens anyway, you can feel the exchange. The artist Bella Rune, for example, calls her project Magical Wormholes and addresses precisely these enigmatic, magical moments between those involved. Her work creates links on different levels between the virtual and the physical, the symbolic and the concrete, the textile haptical and the untouchable. At first, the mutual impact seems to be subtle and invisible, however it does create transformation. Her AR application, which she created for the square show cosmic cyclones, form intergalactic bridges. I had to think of the sentence from the science fiction movie Thor (2011), in which the astrophysicist Jane Foster tries to use scientific instruments to explore the inexplicable phenomena that she experiences with the god Thor stranded on earth: “Magic is just science we don’t understand yet.” she quotes Arthur C. Clarke. Indeed, they are discussing the theory of the Einstein-Rosen-Bridge alias Wormhole to explain how he can travel between two different places in the universe.
It inspired me to also rethink the notion of Commons, which is often referred to as an alternative solution to the capital or state controlled existing structures, that is the becoming-spaces of the so called counterpublics or radical democracy. Rather than thinking of the usage of visible sources such as public spaces, I would suggest we think of commons as the usage of the invisible sources such as the literal use of a common energy. In talking about energy I refer to Einstein’s Relativity Theory (E=m⋅c2), who re-examined the energy-mass relation in the publication: Does the Inertia of a Body Depend on its Energy Content? All forms of energy are ultimately converted from solar energy. Crucial processes such as photosynthesis depend on light, including human existence. Looking at energy as a crucial factor within the construct of the common could answer unresolved open questions and critique of the model (tragedy of the commons). It might show why these alternative constructs often reach their limits and do not work because they follow the same rules as constructs that are established by the state or market-sector.
The quantum social science theory assumes that humans exist as a walking wave function and that an invisible transmission occurs through interaction with the other person. The theory points out the analogy of human and quantum processes, such as non-locality and the significant role of the observer towards the result of the experiment. It neglects the passive, neutral subject-object relation and assumes to be interdependent. “That does not mean that the observer literally creates reality, but it does mean that she participates in what actually is observed” (Wendt 2015). The impact on each other on a non-visible level is nothing new for brain research, the effect of empathy, the mirror neurons or synchronization of the brains of people in conversations has been studied extensively. I would like to mention one aspect that may not have been considered so far, as the aspect of synchronization follows a certain hierarchy.
The energy qualities and frequencies that each person sends out are very unique. Within the adjustment of the frequencies, theories mention that the flow draws towards a higher vibrating frequency, which is described, e.g., in the Maharashi effect. Even a small proportion of the population that moves to a higher vibrating level has a great impact on the collective well-being. This small part of the population serves as a common source of energy for the others. To consciously move to a higher frequency can be learned, but there are people who are already born with it – and are often not even aware of it – those went down in history as saints, or in mythology as gods, so the example of Thor is not chosen by chance here. If the energy of these sources is missing in the collective, the system collapses for the simple reason of the lack of energy. But one aspect is interesting here: because time / space dimensions can be exceeded, they do not necessarily have to be locally present or live in the same time, only the imaginary connection is enough to replenish the energy storage (quantum principle of non-locality).
In the theory about the wormhole, scientists are looking for mysterious external structures or portals that connect us to other dimensions; however, I do believe it is the people who surround us that serve as cross-dimensional connections. So, I consciously prefer instead of talking about metaphorical tunnels, and as such I rather imagine them as something that makes us feel more whole, an assemblage of missing parts that are refilling our energy storages ….
Nowadays these people often go unnoticed, I wonder what will they be called in the future?
Wendt, Alexander, Quantum Mind and Social Science. Unifying Physical and Social Ontology, Cambridge University Press, 2015.
Einstein, Albert, Does the inertia of a body depend upon its energy-content? September 27, 1905. https://www.astro.puc.cl/~rparra/tools/PAPERS/e_mc2.pdf .
FECYT, “Our Brains Synchronize During Conversation.” NeuroscienceNews. NeuroscienceNews, 20 July 2017. https://neurosciencenews.com/conversation-brain-synchronization-7135/
Orme-Johnson, D. W., & Fergusson, L. (2018). Global impact of the Maharishi Effect from 1974 to 2017: Theory and research. Journal of Maharishi Vedic Research Institute, 8, 13-79. http://www.patriziotressoldi.it/cmssimpled/uploads/images/MaharishiEffect_Review18.pdf.